
I’m a postdoctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin. Before coming to Berlin, I studied at the University of Passau (BSc and BA), New York University (MA), and the University of Oxford (DPhil), and held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Konstanz and Johannes Kepler University Linz.

My work looks at the politics of pension and financial systems. I’m particularly interested in the role of business actors (such as banks and insurers) in political processes. My main theoretical interests lie within institutional theory and discursive institutionalism. I probe into questions such as: How do actors use discourse to further their political goals? How do political ideas ‘travel’ across countries?

My research has been published in New Political Economy, Comparative Political Studies, Governance, Global Environmental Change and Journal of European Public Policy.

My popular writing has appeared in outlets such as Le Monde Diplomatique, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Welt, Capital, and Die Zeit.

I can be contacted at nils.roeper [at] gmail.com